Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Garden Update

A few updated pictures of the garden. Things are growing (even if I don't remember what they are)!

Monday, March 22, 2010


The good news: Things are growing!!!!!

The bad news: I do not remember what I planted in each pot.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tea (in memoriam)

You were dying and you offered me tea.
You were living and you offered me tea.
You were sitting on your bed, curled in a ball, in pain, and you looked up to offer me tea.
You boiled water and walked slowly back to your bed.
I was witness to your struggle.
You offered me tea.

You lost twenty pounds your body did not have to lose and offered me tea.
You watched cancer eat you from the inside out and you offered me tea.
You could not eat anything and you offered me tea. 
You felt your body betray you and you fought for your dignity.
I was witness to your battle. 
You offered me tea.

You grew so weak you could not lift a ceramic mug.
Your best friend bought you a plastic cup so you could drink tea.
You told me your fears and we cried, together.
You were gracious and beautiful and you offered me tea.
I was witness to your life.
Thank you for the gift of knowing you.
Thank you for the tea.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is that an alien in the vegetable section?

I was at the grocery store last week when I came upon what I am calling "the coolest looking vegetable I have seen in a store".  Here's a picture:

Do you know what it is?  It's celery root! Also known as celeriac. And it's totally cool.

I bought one, mostly because I had never seen one before, brought it home, set it on the countertop, then tried to figure out what to do with it for dinner. It turns out there aren't a whole lot of recipes out there in the world for celery root...

Here's what I ended up creating:

Creamy mashed celery root
  • 1 celery root
  • 1 Tbs butter 
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Olive oil to preferred consistency
  • Pinch of dried parsley

  1. Remove the tops from the root, wash and set aside. 
  2. Peel the root and chop into 1 inch pieces.
  3. Bring a pot of water to boil, add the root pieces and the washed tops. Boil for approximately 30 minutes or until the root pieces are tender. 
  4. Drain the root pieces and tops - discard the tops. 
  5. Place the root pieces in a bowl (make sure it's a bowl you can use a hand mixer or blender in). Add the butter and a small amount of oil. 
  6. Blend for approximately one minute - add additional oil to increase creaminess and continue to blend to desired consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste. 
  7. Serve warm and sprinkle with parsley. 

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I decided to start my garden from seeds this year - no seedlings or small plants or big plants or anything that is already up and growing. Just seeds. Round, long, short, skinny, curled, purple, green, brown, hard, soft, blue, oval, square seeds.

After reading a bunch of books about container gardening, Zone 10 (where we live), soil qualities, and sun, shade, and water requirements I settled on a mix of flowers, herbs, and vegetables for this year.

What can you look forward to seeing pictures of in the future, you ask?  Well, here's the list (in no particular order) that I finally settled on after much researching:
  • Cilantro
  • Echinacea (purple coneflower)
  • Cornflower (dwarf, blue)
  • Calendula officinalis (pot marigold)
  • Dwarf nasturtium (jewel mix) 
  • Carrots (little fingers) 
  • Radish (cherry belle) 
  • Sweet Pea (bijou) 
  • Swiss chard (ruby red) 
  • Sunflower (dwarf, sunspot)

As of this afternoon (3/14/10 at 4 pm pacific time) everything is in a container, patted down, watered and reaping the benefits of a warm sunny afternoon. Let the countdown begin to see what comes up first!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Nutella came to me through fate. We were sitting on the couch late on a Sunday afternoon. I was reading the newspaper, Will was doing work, and the Olympics were on TV in the background. I had just finished checking email and scrolling through a couple cooking blogs I like to follow when Will mentioned having nutella at breakfast that morning.
After his bike ride there was homemade nutella on the tables at the cafe where he had breakfast. He said it was really good. He wondered how hard it would be to make it. No more then 20 minutes earlier I had scrolled by a recipe for nutella on one of the blogs I follow and thought it looked tasty. Who doesn't love nuts and chocolate?!?! We decided it was fate and we had to make our own nutella.  (Sorry Dad, this recipe is not for you, it's all about hazelnuts.)

  • 1 cup hazelnuts
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 5 Tbs agave nectar
  • 1 Tbs vanilla extract
  • 1 Tbs hazelnut oil
  • a pinch of sea salt

  1. Roast the nuts for 10 min at 350 deg - flip at least once during roasting process
  2. After roasting rub off the skins from the nuts
  3. Place the nuts in a food processor and run for 3-5 min - until smooth
  4. Add all the additional ingredients and run until well combined and smooth
  5. Store in the refrigerator
  6. Spread on toasted bread and enjoy!