Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Did the title grab your attention? Are you wondering, what is "Chincherinchee"?

Lucky for you, I am not going to make you wait (at all) - it is a plant!  A super cool, never-seen-anything-like-it-before plant (that a wonderful friend gave me for my birthday). Here is a picture of it.

The plant is a native to South Africa, where it is spelled: tjenkenrientjee (which became chincherinchee in English). It's scientific name is ornithogalum thyrsoides. It has also been called Wonder Flower and Star of Bethlehem, and on the label that came with my personal plant, it is called White Star. It likes sunlight, moist soil and does well both in and outdoors.

Here are a few more pictures of this marvelously cool plant that is supposed to bloom for up to 3 months!

This is the link to the website where I finally found the official name of this totally cool plant:

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