Monday, September 6, 2010

Where does the time go???

What happens to a blog when you work way too many hours? What happens when you are training for a marathon and the mileage has suddenly ramped up significantly? What happens when you get home from work and all you want to do is crawl into bed and sleep? What happens when you have a gazillion-mizmillion ideas you want to write about, but cannot seem to make the time to put anything to paper?


Absolutely nothing happens.

You look back and there are no entries. The photos you took three weeks ago are still waiting to be formatted for the web. The fizzmillion ideas you have are still floating in your head, bumping up against the other thoughts about work and cleaning the toilets and doing laundry and paying the bills and checking on your family and getting your oil changed and... You get the idea.

My commitment to you, wonderful reader, is to post something at least once a week. It will continue to involve food or art or flora, but it may be less about my exploration in those areas and more about some of these thoughts bumping around in my head.

I would appreciate any feedback (positive or constructive) on what you have enjoyed about these postings, if you have learned anything, and what you would like to see more of on here. In the same vein, if something just doesn't work for you, please let me know about that as well.

I have enjoyed writing these posts and watching this space evolve. I look forward to further posting and exploration and appreciate any and all feedback from you!


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