Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wisdom for the New Year

A piece of advice is listed below from a patient of mine; she is a beautiful woman who speaks 5 languages fluently, survived the concentration camps, worked as an architect, musician, and mother. She is wise and lovely and I always learn something from my visits with her. This is a little excerpt from a recent visit I had with her.

  • Her: Do you know what the two saddest words in any language are?
  • Me: Nope...what?
  • Her: "word 1 - word 2" (first in Romanian, then in German, then in French, then in Hebrew)
  • Her: (finally in English) Too late.
  • Me: Hmmm. That is both beautiful and sad. Thank you for sharing with me.

So, the moral seems to be, don't let your life pass you by.
Don't let something be "too late."
Live fully. Live beautifully. Live.

Happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Those are words to live by. to embrace...fully. every day!
